Equinox Announces Debut LP. First Single ‘Kiss” feat. Feral Five currently at BBC Recommends
FOR FANS OF: Kate Tempest, Baxter Dury, Neu!, Anne Clark, Delia Derbyshire, Coil, John Cooper-Clarke, Throbbing Gristle
‘Kiss’ video https://youtu.be/NfseIAEiuY4
Bandcamp https://soundsofequinox.bandcamp.com/album/its-hard-to-be-happy-when-your-head-is-full-of-sin
Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/soundsofequinox/goodbye-feat-dementio13
‘Scream’ https://soundcloud.com/soundsofequinox/scream-feat-pulco
Intense and acclaimed poet Equinox is releasing his powerful debut album, which features a remarkable range of artists. Each were invited to freely interpret his work and contribute music to surrounding his poems. The result is a genre-spanning release, from electro to funk, post-punk and cinematic electronica, all of which feature Equinox’s compelling Mancunian voice.